Swavalamban Sankalp Program ( Stand up India) – to create awareness and create the entrepreneurial culture amongst the society and community – Organised by DICCI, SIDBI, SBI & WeSchool.
Swavalamban Sankalp Program ( Stand up India) is a ‘Sankalp’ to give boost to innovation & entrepreneurship. It will take the related Govt schemes to the maximum Youth. Private entrepreneurship will be encouraged but at the same time distribution of wealth needs to be ensured. Points focused on ‘equality of opportunities’, level playing field, more responsible banking system, financial inclusion. Honarable Deputy Chief Minister assured all support from GoM & that Maharashtra will achieve target in 2 years, for encouraging GeNext!
NPCIL – Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited were very optimistic that initiatives like SWAVLAMBAN SANKALP, Stand Up India and similar such program not only slowly and gradually help us and other PSU’s achieve their target but also support the nation in developing the ecosystem favourable in its economic growth & promoting equitable development for all.
The speakers shared about National SC-ST Hub (NSSH) scheme, an initiative of the inistry of MSME, Govt. of India was launched on 18th October 2016 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), Handholding support to the SC/ST entrepreneurs through NSSH Offices. All the policies and schemes where explained in detailed to all the participants.
Another objective of DICCI was to inform Dalit youths to become job givers and not job seekers. Money is becoming the primary concern of society and people are willing to lower caste prejudices when it comes to business interests.
Discussions on various proposals for the entrepreneurship development among the SC-ST & women Entrepreneurs were also discussed in detailed. The activities of members (DICCI) are quite diversified ranging from manufacturing (sectors such as chemicals, Agri-products, frozen foods, plastics, textiles, pest control, metals and metallurgy, marine engineering, solar energy, sugar refining), construction and services (health care, hospitality industries, education and international trade).
WeSchool’s Media & Entertainment Alumni Conclave 2022
It has been a long tradition for WeSchool to build bonds and maintain relationships. As Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe Group Director WeSchool always says “Network is Net-worth”, Media and Entertainment program team got an opportunity to bring the alumni of the media industry together for an evening to reconnect, recall and revive bonds and friendships.
A Media & Entertainment Alumni Conclave was organized in the Mumbai campus on 24th November 2022. The conclave commenced by paying tribute to Goddess Saraswati by lighting the lamp and Sarasvati Vandana.
Dr. Uday Salunkhe addressed the conclave sharing his joy to meet the alumnus and mentioned that he considers the alumni as WeSchool’s Networth. Prof. Dr. Aparna Khare Associate Professor Media & Entertainment program expressed how Weschool has always cherished their alumni. The chief guest Mr. Hiren Gada, CEO of Shemaroo shared his views on how building sustainable and long term planned business are important nowadays.
This was followed by the senior alumni from the media & entertainment vertical participating in the panel discussion revolving around:
- Branding in the digital Age – A discussion on the trends in branding and advertising
- Contemporary perspectives on Media and Entertainment business
The key panelists at the conclave were as follows:
- • Adhishree Murdia ZEE5 Global Vice President
- • Mangesh Borse Symbiosis Digital OOH Media Founder
- • Mukhtar Shaikh Wavemaker Business Director
- • Harikrishnan Pillai Small Big Idea Founder & CEO
- • Hiren Gada Shemaroo CEO
- • Atul Razdan Big FM Chief Marketing Officer
- • Harikrishnan Pillai Marketing Small Big Idea Founder & CEO
Awards were distributed to felicitate Westars for their accomplishments and achievements.
- • Entrepreneur of the Year was awarded to Mangesh Borse : Symbiosis Digital OOH Media founder from MMS Batch 1984-1986
- • Corporate Excellence was awarded to Nikhil Rangekar : Magic 9 Media , Deputy CEO from MMS Batch 1995-1997
- • Woman in Corporate Excellence was awarded to Adhishree Murdia : ZEE5 Global , VP from PGDBA Batch 2000-2002
- • Youth Entrepreneur of the Year was awarded to Harikrishan Pillai: The Small big idea, owner from PGDM Batch 2006-2008
- • Hiren Gada : CEO , Shemaroo Entertainment from MMS Batch 1992-1994 was also awarded
Awards for M&E alumni:
- • Prakriti Puri from PGDM M&E Batch 2016-2018 currently working as Sr. Social Media Executive at Viacom 18
- • Debolina Chakravarty from PGDM M&E Batch 2017-2019 currently working as National Key Account Manager at Mondelez
- • Avani Pranjpe from PGDM M&E Batch 2018-2020 currently working in Colors Marathi Adsales at Viacom 18
- • Rohan Rane from PGPME Batch 2014-2015 currently working as creative and marketing head at Max Marketing
- • The event came to an end after few performances by the students of Media and Entertainment program.
Healthcare Alumni Conclave 2022 @ WeSchool Mumbai Campus
WeSchool had organised a Healthcare Alumni Conclave 2022 on 29th November 2022 in the Mumbai campus. The theme of the conclave was “Technology – A Game Changer for Healthcare Industry”. The session commenced with a ceremonial lighting of the lamp by Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe, Group Director, WeSchool and some of the Alumni present. Dr. Anjali Kumar, Dean of Healthcare Management Program, shared information on the USPs of the Healthcare Management Program and the inroads that have been made throughout the years.
Dr. Aasawari Nalgundwar opened the floor for discussion. The speakers imparted insightful information such as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and how the use of robotics and RFID tags was utilized during the pandemic to ensure the safety of the hospital staff and reduce Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) for the patients. The speakers also mentioned about the measures to develop an extensive repository of all viruses known to mankind, for faster and more efficient identification.
They further also emphasized how Telemedicine, use of UPI for cashless payments, Teleconsultations, and Digitization of Health Records have increased the efficiency of hospital processes and has been a major time-saving factor for hospitals, especially in specialty care, to make swift decisions. They have also helped by decreasing the average time taken for discharging a patient as the process of approval has been accelerated due to technology.
There was a discussion on how to tackle technological challenges and how Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) have helped to extract data and make sound decisions regarding the authenticity of documents. Such sensitive documents are also being increasingly stored in Cloud-based systems for higher level of security.
The session concluded with Dr. Rohan Kesarkar commemorating the alumni present with the WeSchool Healthcare Alumni Awards.
WeSchool Healthcare Alumni Award Winners
Corporate Excellence:
- Niraj Patil – AVP Tata AIG General Insurance, 2013-15 PGDM-HC
- Sushil Kumar Menon, Asst. Director, P.D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Center, MMM
- Dr. Hiren Ambegaokar, Group CEO, Surya Hospitals, PGPHCM 2011
Entrepreneurial success:
- Rajan Mehta , Founder, MyCare Health Solutions Private Limited, MMS 1987
- Komal Kadaba , Co-Founder, Karmasukom Edibles – Nutrezy, PGDM-HC 2013-15
Social / Academic contribution:
- Koustubh Kanade, Vice President Asia Pacific – Marketing, Clinical & Executive Projects, B Braun Medical, PGDBA 2001
Women leaders:
- Shreya Paul – Leader Digital Health, Johnson and Johnson, PGDM-HC 2011-13
- Dr Kshitija Warkar, Head Operations & HR, Acharya Shri Nanesh Hospital, PGPHCM 2012
Rural Realm Alumni Conclave 2022
WeSchool’s Rural Management Program had organised an Alumni Conclave 2022 on 26th November 2022 in the Mumbai campus. The theme for the conclave was “Envisaging Future Rural Business Leaders”. The objective of the conclave was to understand what a rural manager in an emerging economy should be familiar with, new business models as well as information, skills and abilities that will be necessary to succeed in the next 5 years.
The conclave gave an opportunity to gather alumni from diverse industries at WeSchool campus to discuss a range of issues, including career opportunities, digital marketing technological transformation in agriculture, and sustainability.
There were various topics of discussions like, Agriculture and food being interconnected with India’s food supply being the biggest issue & what kind of action the government should take in investing and developing the rural sector. Also how by utilizing AI and ML for KCC (Kisan Credit Card) debt collection, banks are succeeding in the rural area.
The Alumni also discussed the sustainability of ESG as it becomes a fundamental market criterion. There was a discussion on how to build a bridge between corporate offices and campuses by maintaining a work-focused attitude, being committed to and dedicated to one’s job, taking different courses, being bold in one’s approach, and having a thorough understanding of everything.
The conclave ended with a musical event organized by the students.
WeSchool inaugurated ‘WENTURE.INV 2022’ for Alumni Entrepreneurs
In our endeavour to support and promote our Alumni Entrepreneurs and encourage students from Job Seeker to Job Giver, WeSchool had organised “WENTURE.INV 2022” Demo cum Pitch Day, in Mumbai campus, on 25th November 2022. For entrepreneurs who wished to raise funds for expansion and growth, a ‘Pitching session’ with the investor community was organized and in addition an exhibition of the offerings of the Alumni Entrepreneurs (AE) was held. Arrangements were made for one-on-one sessions for interested investors to close deals with Alumni Entrepreneurs.
In order to prepare the entrepreneurs for the Pitching sessions, WeSchool had conducted a 14-hour online Bootcamp starting from 5th Nov 2022. This Bootcamp had sessions from seasoned startup mentors and investors. These sessions helped interested AEs to refine their pitches and prepare before the Demo cum Pitch Day.
HTML Table Generator Topics Trainers/Mentors The right Product-Market Fit Mr. Ravi Kikan, Zing HR Refining the Business Model Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar, Dean-WeSchool (Business Design) Branding & Channel Strategy Mr. Sameer & Mr. Anindya, Co-Founders – Sam & Andy Measuring your Progress-Setting up Performance Metrics Alumni : Mr. Sanjay Nadkarni, Founder – BabyOye (bought out by Mahindras) & an Angel Investor Prudent Cash Flow Management Dr. Farzan Ghadially, SENATOR INDIA at World Business Angels Investment Forum Valuation, Exits &Term Sheets Masterclass on No Code Low Code by DronaHQ Mr. Fenil Jain, Head of Product and Engineering Lead, DronaHQ Crafting your pitch Mr. Sanjay Mehta, Founder-100X.VC The event though organised for the 1st time, turned out to be a great success as investors showed interest in around five projects pitched by our Alumni Entrepreneurs. Many other investors have also expressed their interest in few other projects, which are still being discussed.
The success of this event has motivated WeSchool to keep this an on-going activity to assist aspiring entrepreneur connect with investors.
WeSchool inaugurated the MMS 2022-2024 batch
S.P. Mandali’s Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research (WeSchool) inaugurated the MMS batch of 2022-24 on Friday, 25th November 2022 in the WeSchool Auditorium.
Adv. Shri. S. K. Jain, Chairman – Managing Council, S. P. Mandali (SPM), Pune and Chairman – College Development Committee, WeSchool, Shri. Sunil Joshi, Member – Managing Council, SPM and Member – College Development Committee, WeSchool, Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe, Group Director of WeSchool, Shri. Shreerang Kulkarni, Director – Operations, SPM and Prof. Dr Pradeep Pendse, In-Charge Director (University Program) graced the event with their presence.
The event started with lighting of lamp by the dignitaries, few students and Industry representative.
Prof. Dr Pradeep Pendse, In-Charge Director University Programs set the ball rolling by a warm welcome speech in which he mentioned about MMS being a personal transformation journey and how the students must think about the nature of transformation they seek.
Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe, Group Director, WeSchool, in his address, motivated the students by quoting Joel Barkers comment about leadership and vision. He spoke about developing Entrepreneurship as well Intranpreneurship spirit and how the students must leverage on various initiatives at Weschool. He also conveyed the message of Hon’ble President, S. P. Mandali, Pune, Adv. Shri. Sadanand Phadke, to light a lamp or candle or incense stick to pay tribute to Late ASI. Shri. Tukaram Omble and others officers who sacrificed their life to save Mumbai & the Nation on 26th November, 2008.
The key Note address was given by Adv. Shri. S.K. Jain, in which he urged the students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and become a job giver rather than a job seeker.
Post – inauguration event, Prof. Dr. Pradeep Pendse conducted an orientation session with respect to the MMS program overview which was followed by Orientation sessions for all the Specialisations viz Finance, Marketing, HR and Operations. The respective specialisation Deans with their teams gave exposure about the nuances of specialisations including broad course structure, emerging trends, career opportunities and specific skill sets required for each specialisation.
The event was concluded by a wrap up session to summarise the day’s takeaways by Prof. Suhas Prabhu.
Mumbai edition of Smart India Hackathon ends on a high note at WeSchool campus
Mumbai, 26th August 2022: The Mumbai leg of Smart India Hackathon (SIH), a nationwide initiative by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell was conducted at the WeSchool campus in a graceful prize distribution ceremony on 26th August, 2022. The awards were won by Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research for their solution on ‘Gamification for Awareness and Coverage Need for comprehensive health insurance that covers OPD and Lab’; Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering And Technology who developed a software based solutions to address the problem statement, ‘User friendly data visualization tool for interpretation of groundwater isotope data.’ WeSchool students from the Coimbatore Nodal Centre also emerged as winners for their solution on Fall Detection Alarm.
The winners were awarded prize money of INR 1 lac each. Another couple of teams from Thakur College of Engineering & Technology and Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology were given top honours for their notable solutions developed. They were awarded for their innovative solutions for problem statements including ‘Standalone Desktop application for pumping test data analysis’. The prizes were awarded by Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Group Director at Welingkar Institute of Management, and the Chief Guest for the event, Dr. Ajit Singh Thethi, President, Association of Indian Mnanagement School (AIMS) and Director General, GNIMS Business School, amidst loud cheer by fellow hackers.
WeSchool also added an award category, ‘We-Inspiration’ where students from Easwari Engineering College, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering and Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College were awarded a sum of Rs. 25,000/- each for their innovative solutions on ‘Standalone desktop application for analysis, visualization and interpretation of hydro chemical data’, ‘Application for calculating SpO2, blood pressure, stress and other body vitals using a smartphone and ‘Two-way mobile communication’.
Speaking at the event, Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Group Director at Welingkar Institute of Management said, “Congratulations to all the winners of Smart India Hackathon 2022. The platform has allowed students to express their creativity and take it up a notch, which promotes co-operation, idea sharing, and the quick development of software solutions within a time frame of 36 hours. Such occasions also give students the chance to meet with business leaders and forward their ideas. I am delighted to see that two teams from WeSchool have emerged as winners and we aim to unite the younger generation to teach them the power of “We.” The 2022 Smart India Hackathon is a good place for students to start developing their personal skills and, in turn, boosting the country’s economic growth.”
Adding to this, the Chief Guest, Dr. Ajit Singh Thethi said, “We congratulate all the students for their participation. We are so happy to see that the youth of our nation is coming forward with such great innovative solutions for everyday problems and this will act as a catalyst for the growth of entrepreneurs in our country.”
Smart India Hackathon is a nationwide initiative to provide students a platform to solve some of pressing problems we face in our daily lives, and thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mind-set of problem solving. The Smart India Hackathon, inaugurated on Thursday saw 31 teams and 225 bright students competing for solutions for 8 problem statements and finding solutions to some of the most pertinent real-world problems.
Weschool welcomes their new batch of students
S.P. Mandali’s Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (WeSchool) today welcomed the new batch of 2022-2024 students to the campus.
The inauguration Ceremony of Student Induction Program – Neev 2022, took place in the campus and the theme is SAMAGRA.
The theme SAMAGRA stand for – Sustainable, Agile, Multi-skilled, Attitude, Global, Responsible and Analytical- all vital to ensure student transformation.
Advocate S.K. Jain, Chairman of S. P. Mandali along with Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Group Director, WeSchool welcomed the Chief Guest for the inauguration Prof. Dr. Errol DSouza, Director – IIM Ahmedabad.
In his inaugural address Dr Errol DSouza inspired the students immensely, he asked them to look at every scenario, be it COVID 19 or Ukraine – Russia war, with a strategic approach as there are great learnings one can get from these global phenomena. He also asked them to be socially well connected as this play an important role in personal and career growth.
Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe said, “At Weschool our goal is to provide a 360 degree holistic learning and not just restrict learning to a classroom. We aim to provide our students with real-life business projects, and start-up ventures that also spur entrepreneurship skills while helping them grow. Our goal is to nurture talent, create future-ready innovators and develop leaders who walk the extra mile in bringing about a positive difference in society”.
Weschool’s IIC Cell celebrated Environment Conservation Week from 4th June to 10th June on the occasion of World Environment Day 2022
7th June 2022: To celebrate their core value “We Link and Care”, S.P. Mandali’s Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (WeSchool) has organized a Celebration Week for World Environment Day 2022, from 4th June to 10th June, 2022 for students, faculty, and staff. Through this, WeSchool endeavours to raise awareness and inculcate sustainable habits among the youth as part of their lifestyle, and make it a part of the lifestyle of the youth community, that are in harmony with nature.
Around 125 students and 10 staff members and coordinators participated in three events that took place on Sunday 5th June 2022. The events that were undertaken included Beach Clean-up, Tree Plantation and a visit to a Nursery. The students took the responsibility to clean Dadar Beach, behind Kirti College. This activity was carried out in association with the Beach Warriors, an initiative by Khushiyaan Foundation.
Visit to the nursery by WeSchool at A tree plantation drive also took place with WeSchool students and staff planting around 300 saplings with Majhi Vasundhara Abhiyaan over 4 acres of land in Pramod Navlkar Udyan, Kandivali.
WeSchool also partnered with iKheti (iKheti is a one-stop shop for customized services and specialized products to promote sustainable urban farming), which is founded by WeSchool Alumni, Priyanka Amar. At the nursery, the students were taught about the importance and maintenance of beehives and how to make Seed Bombs. They were taught about various types of indoor and outdoor plants, their benefits and how to take care and maintain them.
YOGA Day celebration at Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research
S P Mandali’s Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, (WeSchool) celebrated the International YOGA Day on 21st June, 2022 in association with Vivekanand Kendra, Dadar. Around 50 staff and faculty members participated in the YOGA day celebration which commenced at 8:30am. The YOGA session was conducted by the members of Vivekanand Kendra, Shri. Mohan P. Ranade, Sampark Pramukh and their Yoga instructors Mrs. Swati Kulkarni and Mrs. Dipti Mhaskar.
Shri Mohan Ranade shared insights about the Vivekananda Kendra and the importance of Yoga. He also spoke about the recognition and acceptance that Yoga has received internationally. Mrs. Dipti Mhaskar demonstrated the various postures of Yoga throughout the session and Mrs. Swati Kulkarni show the participants the 12 steps of Surya Namaskar, which they followed after her. The session was concluded with a few Pranayama exercises.