
1. Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR) Sponsored Three-Day Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis – March 22-24, 2018

S.P. Mandali's Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (WeSchool) has organized the ICSSR Sponsored Three-Day Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis. The core objective of the workshop was to equip participant with methods and approaches in research. Another aim was to facilitate participants to undertake the research very effectively in the area of management and social science and to turn completed research into the publishable material of high quality in the form of articles, journals, and books.

2. 6th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium (2018) – January 5-7, 2018

Academy of Indian Marketing (AIM) is a consortium of leading management institutions offering world-class management education and research activities through doctoral and equivalent programs. AIM was conceived by two marketing scholars in two different continents Dr. Jagdish Sheth (Atlanta, USA) and Prof. Neelemegham (India). The theme for Doctoral Consortium was "Marketing in a Digital Age". The consortium offered an opportunity for the doctoral students to meet with top faculty from the academic fraternity, both formally and informally to share their doctoral research and get feedback that will help them further their careers.

1. CII and S.P. Mandali’s WeSchool Host ‘Principal’s Conclave’ – November 22, 2017

S.P. Mandali's Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (WeSchool) in association with CII – Western Region, recently hosted ‘Principal’s Conclave’ 2017, the theme being ‘Building Institutions of Excellence’ at its Mumbai campus. The conference was organised to discuss the issues such as the recent call for educational institutions to be committed to excellence that created multiple discussions about the objectivity of superior quality education.

2. 6th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium (2017) – January 6-8, 2017

Academy of Indian Marketing (AIM) is a consortium of leading management institutions offering world-class management education and research activities through doctoral and equivalent programs. AIM was conceived by two marketing scholars in two different continents Dr. Jagdish Sheth (Atlanta, USA) and Prof. Neelemegham (India). The theme for Doctoral Consortium was "Marketing in a Connected World. The consortium offered an opportunity for the doctoral students to meet with top faculty from the academic fraternity, both formally and informally to share their doctoral research and get feedback that will help them further their careers.

3. Symposium on vertical farming – October 31, 2017

S.P. Mandali’s Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research (WeSchool) in collaboration with the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands organised a symposium on vertical farming on WeSchool’s Mumbai campus. The symposium aimed to create awareness on the concept of vertical farming, application of different farming techniques and progressive results of vertical farming in other developed economies.

4. The conference 'Industry Disruption & Reimagining the Role of Education' – August 12, 2017

'Industry Disruption & Reimagining the Role of Education' was the theme of the national conference organized by S. P. Mandali's Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research and ASSOCHAM on Friday, 11th August, Mumbai. The objective of the event was to propel discussion on new age skills and role of education that focuses on needs of the future workforce and equipping education stakeholders to leverage the opportunities offered.

5. Smart India Hackathon 2017 – April 1, 2017

The Smart India Hackathon 2017 was inaugurated at the hands of Hon’ble Shri. Prakash Javadekarji, Union Minister of HRD, Govt of India along with Prof Dr. Anil Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE, Dr. Deepak Pathak, Professor, IIT Mumbai, Adv Shri. S K Jain, Chairman, S P Mandali, Prof. Dr.Uday Salunkhe, Group Director, WeSchool and Shri. R Balasubramaniam, Nodal Officer, Department of Atomic Energy. 32 teams from across 12 states were geared up to solve, 17 problem statements shared by Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) in the 36 hours of world’s biggest hackathon jointly organized by MHRD & AICTE. WeSchool is privileged to be among the only two b-schools, in addition to the 24 Engineering institutes to be chosen for hosting this nationwide initiative.

6. 5th AIM - AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, January 9, 2017

Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development (WeSchool) in association with Academy of Indian Marketing (AIM) organized a conference on Consumer Insights and Foresights in changing markets. The conference was aimed at providing a holistic picture on how corporations can develop efficient service design by adopting a consumer-focused culture that will increase consumer satisfaction and will empower organizations to motivate action and effect behavioral change.

1. Med4Dev India-Israel Innovation in Affordable Healthcare – July 22-24, 2016

The Mumbai leg of Med4Dev India-Israel Innovation in Affordable Healthcare, a Hackathon jointly hosted by Pears Program For Global Innovation, University of Tel Aviv and WeSchool. The Hackathon, had 100 bright innovators coming together to get into an active mode to work intensely for 36 hours towards finding solutions to some of the most pertinent health-related issues faced by Indian diaspora.

2. MIT Emerging Worlds Mumbai workshop – July 11-12, 2016

The MIT Emerging Worlds Mumbai workshop was held at WeSchool. The Emerging Worlds Special Interest Group (SIG) is an MIT Media Lab initiative to solve problems that impact billions of lives. The Emerging Worlds Special Interest Group (SIG) is setting up bottom-up co-innovation hubs in emerging economies to solve grand challenges using digital solutions − such as machine learning, AI, Internet of Things, and mobile devices – that can leapfrog.

3. ReDx - Redesigning Diagnostics - 2016

Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research (WeSchool) and Camera Culture Group, MIT Media Lab, USA organized a Prototype Exhibition and Open House of Redefining Diagnostics (ReDx), MIT REDX HEALTH TECH CAMP 2016 at WeSchool campus. The exhibition was an outcome of the intensive seven-day ReDx (Redesigning Diagnostics) workshop by MIT Media lab held at WeSchool in 2015 that had brought together nearly hundred students, clinicians, entrepreneurs, and investors to address the most critical healthcare issues in India.

1. ReDx - Redesigning Diagnostics – January 31, 2015

The ‘ReDx-Redesigning Diagnostics’ presented by the Camera Culture Group, MIT Media Lab, USA with IIT-B, Hinduja National Hospital, and WeSchool successfully concluded in an ‘Open House’ at WeSchool campus in Mumbai in the presence of Shri Vinod Tawde, Hon Minister for Education & Culture, Govt of Maharashtra. Encouraging collaborations with design and innovation forums such as ReDx is an important initiative of WeSchool, to participate in the larger national agenda, through the design of unique innovative healthcare product/ services, supporting their conversion to scalable businesses and also mentoring the entrepreneurial spirit of its young MBA students.

1. MIT Media Lab – WeSchool Design Innovation Workshop - January 27 to February 1, 2014

The MIT Media Lab – WeSchool Design Innovation Workshop was held from 27th January 2014 to 1st February 2014. This was the biggest event held by MIT’s Media Lab initiative in India, with 10 tracks viz. ICICI Future of Banking, Imaging experiences, Living Mobile, Design for Creative learning, Toshiba Grassroot Engineering, Design for Sustainability, Magical Interfaces, Fabrication laboratory, Performance Capture, and Interaction Futures.