1. Sustainable benefits of Electronic waste recycling in India: a System Dynamics Analysis

Dr. Karishma Chaudhary

International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management - C ranked in ABDC ranking Scopus indexed.

2. “Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin as a payment gateway - A Study”

Dr. Hema Doreswamy

International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR) - Vol 8, issue 7. Online ISSN 2249 2585 Print ISSN 2249 8672 - July 2018

3. “A study on the implementation of welfare programs for migrant construction workers with reference to Bangalore city, Karnataka”

Dr. Hema Doreswamy, Dr. Rupa, Dr. Madhavi Lokhande

Journal of Management Research and Analysis - Print ISSN:2394-2762 Online ISSN: 2394-2770 - July 2018.

4. USHAS (Centre for Exceptional Children)

Dr. Savitha G R & Dr. Madhavi Lokhande

Journal of Social Welfare and Management, UGC Recommended Journal - Jun-Aug 2018

5. Effectiveness of Summer Internship in Indian Management Education

Dr. Savitha & Dr. Jai Raj Nair

IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) - e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668 - Aug 2018.

6. An Empirical Study On The Effect Of Institutional Factor On Perceived Value Of E-Learning In Management Education: With Specific Reference To E-S-Qual

Prof. Anita Pillai

The online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning (International Journal) - ISSN 2147-6454 - Oct 2018.

7. "Exploring millennial psychological contract expectations across employee talent segments"

Prof. Jyoti Joshi Pant

Employee Relations / Scopus Indexed Journal - ISSN: 0142-5455 Under Review Process - Oct 2018.

8. “Perception of Young Generation towards the Society: An Opinion Mining Approach”

Dr. Madhumita Guha Majumdar

Eighteenth Global Information Technology Management (GITMA) World Conference, in Mexico, International Journal - July 8-10, 2018.

9. Cultural Steward - New Role for HR in i-manager’s

Dr. Sowmya C S

Journal on Management - Accepted for publication.

10. A study on the impact of internal communication on employee engagement in IT companies

Dr. Sowmya C S

AIMS Journal - Accepted for publication.

11. “Comparison and Mapping of the updated Accreditation standards and criterions of Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), National Board of Accreditation (NBA)”

Prof. Asha Mathew

International journal of research in commerce & Management (ISSN 0976 – 2183) - Feb, 2018

12. Listed Companies and High Promoter Holding-Boon or Bane? : A Study on Shareholding Pattern and Firm Performance of Indian Companies on the Senxex

Dr. Madhavi Lokhande & Dr. Hema Doreswamy

International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, ISSN 2250-057X - Feb 2018.

13. The Brouhaha About Ability of Microfinance Training to Enhance Income of Trainees. Is It Justified?

Dr. N V Vijay Kumar

International Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences, ISSN (E): 2454-4728 - Mar 2018.

14. Microfinance Training - A Magic Wand To Achieve Financial Literacy

Dr. N V Vijay Kumar

Indian Journal of Economics and Research, ISSN 2278–1811 - Apr 2018.

15. An empirical investigation on content Preference of English newspaper readers In Bangalore city

Dr. Kiran G

UGC approved Asia Pacific Research Journal, ISSN-347-4793 - March 2018 Volume 1 Issue IV.

16. A study on corporate skill sets required from MBA graduates to be industry Ready -recruiters perspective

Dr. Kiran G

UGC approved Research Review Journal, ISSN- 2455-3085 - March 2018 Volume 3 Issue III.

17. A study on demographic factors of Shoppers & it’s impact on online shopping

Dr. Kiran G

UGC approved Journal of Marketing strategy, ISSN-2347-3770 - April 2018 Volume 6 Issue II.

18. Key drivers for Adoption of Green Logistics by Organized Retails Sector in Bengaluru

Prof. Dakshina Murthy

International Journal of Management Studies, ISSN : 2249-0302 - Mar 2018.

19. Changing Trends in Management Education

Dr. Savitha G R & Dr. Veeranna, Dr. Kenchakkanavar

International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, ISSN 2249-8672 - Mar 2018

20. In Pursuit of Public Sector Efficiency and Value Innovation: the blue Ocean Strategy

Dr. Santosh Rupa Jaladi

Journal of Public Administration and Governance, ISSN 2161-7104 - Mar 2018.

21. “Impact of Gender Inclusive Initiatives of Organizations on Women’s Work Life Balance: Evidence from an Emerging Economy”

Dr. Madhumita Guha Majumdar

Gender, Work, Organization Conference 2018 to be held in Macquarie University, Sydney - Accepted for publication & presentation - June 13-16, 2018.

22. A study on Consumer Awareness towards Consumer Protection Act with Special Focus on Karnataka

Dr. Kiran G

Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, ISSN 1943-023X - April 2018.

23. A Study On Improving the Business Process of Quick service Restaurants (QSR) Using value Chain Model

Prof. Alex Nero

International Journal of Management Research & Review, ISSN: 2249-7196 - April 2018.

1. A study on the impact of self-help groups on the ability of members to handle grievances: An empirical study in Tumkur district

Dr. J Santosh Rupa

International Journal of Academic Research and Development - ISSN: 2455-4197 - Nov–Dec, 2017.

2. Women Empowerment through Microfinance- An Empirical Study of Women Self Help Groups in Tumkur District, Karnataka

Dr. J Santosh Rupa

International Journal of advances in Social Sciences (UGC approved) - ISSN no - 23475153 - December 2017.

3. Importance of Communication in Business Administration

Prof. Arul Theresa Ramya

Shanlax International Journal of English, ISSN: 2320-2645-Vol.6 - Dec 2017.

4. Whistle Blower Policy in Indian Listed Companies - A Study

Dr. Hema Doreswamy

International Journal of Academic Research and Development, ISSN: 2455-4197 - Dec 2017.