Prof. Dr. V. H. Iyer
Professor Emeritus - Management Development Programme

about faculty
Education experience:
1. CME/Technical School (NMM)—5years-classroom and Industry training
2. Certificate from FTI (Govt. of India) in Pre-Determined Motion and Time Systems & Low Cost Automation)
3. M.Com (Management - PM&IR)
4. PGDAM/CMM & IRCA (UK) certified quality auditor for Quality management Systems
5. PhD—Management-Cost Reduction Strategies in the area of Materials Management in selected Indian auto industries
Teaching Experience: Over 20 years of teaching experience.
Industry Exposure:
1. 35 years of industrial experience with companies like L&T, IBM, Rallis India (Wolf Electric Tools Plant) and NMM(Indo-British Organization for Technical Training & Apprenticeship)
2. A corporate trainer with over 1800 programs to his credit in OB/TQM/MM/SCM and General management areas
Academic Affiliations: Member of Board of Studies (IIMM).Diploma in T&D Academic Board(Co-Chairman) of ISTD, Now invited by SNDT University PN Doshi College Arts and Science to be on the College Development, Advisory Board.
Professional Affiliations:
1. Fellow Member of Indian Institute of Materials Management. Past Chairman of the Mumbai branch and National Councilor representing Mumbai.
2. Invitee member of Bombay Productivity Council
3. Life member of Bombay Management Association
4. Life Member of Indian Society for Training & Development and was Chairman of the Jury for IMPRESSA awards committee of Indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce